
 I'm guessing you don't think too well of us vampires huh? Yeah so we drink blood and kill humans, so what? Are you any better? So let's pretend I'm you, a human. You're hungry so you go out and hunt (buy) for pig or pork. Well its the same here. I'm the 'human' and you're my pork. So yeah, lemme give you a little insight on how I live. Every. Day.

Agility and Strengths 

 Ok, you all already know, vampires are super fast so that we're a blur. For us all we do is flex our thighs as we run and after a while you can un-flex them. We're also unnaturally strong. This is only because instead of blood, we have venom which gives us more strength and speed than humans. And drinking blood only adds to it. Blood is our favorite drink because we have this burning fire in our throat like a strepthroat times 20. Blood is the only thing that calms the fire. Animal blood works but its a little more sour than human. Now lycan blood! That'll calm the fire for a week or so. Anyways, you might've heard from those Twilight books that every vampire has a special ability they bring with em from the human life. The only fictional part from there is that it's rare! EVERY vampire has it. Mine is making force fields. Dunno how i got that but i did.

 Recognizing Vampires

 Most vampires, you already know, are very pale and have those dark circles around their eyes. Vampires have super warm skin, though, opposed to the cold skin Twilight leads you to believe. We run  at the speed of light, and you expect us to be a walking snowstorm? I don't think so! Also, you'll notice we don't get hurt very easily-mentally or physically. And whenever we concentrate, our eyes turn red. Like bloodred and our fangs come out. Which is why you see red eyed, fang mouthed beasts sucking blood, because we concentrate when we hunt. And if we seem "prettier" than other people, that's because we're built to seduce then kill. And that thing about bats and how we're able to change into them well, i really don't know where they got that from. We don't fly, period. We can run so fast we're airborn for a moment but we don't fly.

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